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July 3, 2024

INSIGHT: Why Many Young People Are Better At Gripping Than Gratitude?

Are you carried away with your current circumstances and you’ ve allowed that to define what you see?

Are you among those people who sit and wait around for inspiration while expecting things to happen on their own?

Are you among those who dwells on complaining without taking suitable measures?

Are you still waiting for the economy to become prosperous for the government to provide a job for you before earning a living?

Nigerians are progressively going through hard times, and it takes a lot of courage to push through, from hydra-headed duo inflation, insecurities among several states, domestic violence increasingly infiltrating societies, down to the vast number of unskilled and unemployed youths who are unsure of their next move. This is indeed a time of difficulties and also a time for Nigerians to learn voluminous lesson. The worst situation a man can be in is when he/she isn’ t growing, imaging a life hoping and never getting, never acting and always remain stagnant and this cycle repeats from months to years.

The question is “How do we handle the Situation”? It’ s about one’ s outlook towards life. Mindset shift is the foundation of all productive endeavors and the courage to take action meanwhile concentrating on coping new problems with new opportunities. The information age is accommodative for the skilled and unskilled as far as you can develop the capacity to take risks and break out of the cycle, there is no doubt that the only thing that is constant in this world is Change, and labor market had been constantly experiencing changes lately due to technological innovations and new inventions being made, teaming youths have to think about new possibilities, think e-based entrepreneurship, think diversification, think skill set innovation, think strength conversation, think network marketing, think technology, we must learn how to utilize digital opportunities to keep up with this new digital age and survive in economic downturns, all skills are learnable and trainable and satisfaction settles where commitment meets consistency.

In an era where everything goes beyond the normal, you need no soothsayer to bring to your notice how digitalized the world is getting. There is never a success that is a mistake, if you see anyone that’ s successful today, they didn’ t get to that position by mistake, they work for it, their success story started from the day they take action, they are successful because every time you’ re spending 4/5 hours to watch movies, they are using that same 4/5 hours to learn, sharpen their skills to develop their abilities and make commitment, so invest in yourselves dear youths, success follows value, and self – discipline is essential in all the processes, be determined, dedicate your time to learn then implement.

This is about creating and nurturing community of people with a bright future, those with the right mindset who are ready to acquire knowledge and grow, if you are not updated you will be outdated, quality information is key to massive transformation, our aim is to impact on each other and also to contribute to the greatness of one another. And of course, this can be achieved if we are intentional about our growth in creativity, forget about hardship facing Nigeria.

And certainly, digital skills can take you to places you have not reached physically, even the places you may never go to, you had be known to place you have never being to.

Thank you!

Writes by: Na’ im Sulaiman
Bauchi State.

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