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October 16, 2024
Special Report

UNODC’s youth peace champions: A network transforming community peacebuilding in northeastern Nigeria

Experts have suggested that community peacebuilding requires collective efforts and that young people must play a central role. And the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, (UNODC) is doing just that as it launches the Network of Youth Peace Champions, which aims to transform community peacebuilding and protect children against violence in Nigeria’s Northeast.

The network consists of 32 Youth Peace Champions (YPCs) from Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states, who have been equipped with the skills to promote peace and reconciliation in their respective states.

This new UNODC initiative will address child exploitation by armed and criminal groups through empowering children and youth as agents of change. While working with state governments, UNODC will implement practical measures that prioritize the protection, support, rehabilitation, and reintegration of child victims of grave violations.

Since 2018, UNODC has made tremendous progress in protecting children from crime and violence in Nigeria, particularly through the successful implementation of the STRIVE Juvenile project. Now, its successor, “Protecting Children From Violence in Contexts of Insecurity, North-East Nigeria” recognizes the potential of young people to effect change in their own communities and expands UNODC’s End Violence Against Children (ENDVAC) intervention in the conflict-affected region.

In August, a series of two training workshops were held at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja, bringing together the YPCs and commissioners from the three states. The champions acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to promote peacebuilding and child protection in the Northeast. The training featured communication, advocacy, and activism skills.

The YPCs shared that the training has transformed their approach to ending violence against children. Notwithstanding, they all look forward to utilizing their knowledge and experience to build peaceful communities.

The Honourable Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development from Borno State, Zuwaira Gambo, commended the progress made in empowering the young leaders.

“This network, supported by UNODC, is more than just a platform, it is a movement, driven by the passion and resilience of our youth, who are dedicated to creating a better and safer future for all,” she stated.

During the launching, Gambo reflected on Borno State’s contribution, particularly through the STRIVE Juvenile Project, which saw 16 YPCs lead an awareness campaign that reached over 9 million people with messages of hope.

“Borno State has been the epicenter of the insurgency but it has also been the center of hope and strength. Our Ministry is here to support the people of Borno during this process of peace and reconciliation,” Gambo remarked, while emphasizing the role of the intergenerational dialogue structures established by the YPCs, which have helped communities resolve conflicts and reintegrate children affected by terrorism.

The Honorable Commissioner for Youth, Sports, and Development from Adamawa State, Wali Yakubu, expressed his gratitude to UNODC for its work in Adamawa State and acknowledged that the state would commit to ensuring the success of the initiative.

“We are pleased to see the expansion of UNODC’s ENDVAC work to Adamawa State and are ready to offer our support and collaboration to ensure the success and sustainability of the project,” he said.

Barma Shettima, on the other hand, highlighted the critical role that young people play in promoting peace and security in conflict-affected areas. He also applauded the resilience and leadership of the youth involved and appreciated the UNODC team for their dedicated efforts in shaping the program.

“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our shared efforts. The Youth Peace Champions Network will serve as an important platform for our youth to develop their own work plans, advocate for peace, and lead initiatives that will protect and uplift our children,” said Shettima, the Honorable Commissioner for Youth, Sport and Community Development from Yobe State.

Speaking on behalf of Mr. Danilo Campisi, the interim UNODC Country Representative, Abba Ali Yarima Mustapha, National Project Officer of the ENDVAC project, noted that the launch of the Network of YPCs marked a giant step towards building a strong foundation for lasting peace and security.

“This initiative is a testament to our dedication to empowering youth and children as agents of change and their own protection,” Abba concluded.

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