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July 8, 2024

Buni’s Present Political Journey and Beyond

…The Grassroot Icon That Rose Through The Maze

By Hussaini Ibrahim Sulaiman

Buni’s political whirlwind in the north is continued to inaudibly dominate the political discourse and presage the prospect of the country’s political direction because it is the only camp that clasp fortuitous in its version of democracy and passionate to work round the clock to uplift the lives of Yobeans irrespective of political party and pave way to boat Nigerians to the hopeful destination. This isn’t some idly churlish oracular indulgence—It’s based on an intimate familiarity with Buni’s trajectory of political enthusiasms. 

Contemporary pundits and academicians heralded some effective character of a true definition of leader as one who is honesty and integrity, passion, confidence, willing to delegate and who’s capable enough to vigorously betray the prevailing era—realm where some leaders whose rein style and politics remained a display of a naked apartheid government or completely differs democratic rule.  

The 4th democratically elected and 2–term governor [Buni]’s passion and unwavering commitments to discharging his duties led him to be the excelling governor who pioneered new frontiers, and it was proved when he was appointed as the APC national secretary from 14th June 2014 to March 2019 and later, amid a friction that erupted the party, and as a unifier,  upgraded to the Caretaker Committee and extraordinary National Working Committee of the party between 25th June 2020 to March 2022, which’s the first in the Northeast and that indeed, accentuated his integrity and confidence. 

Though, governor Buni is never accede to being unduly recognized across the globe not just Nigeria, but he prefers to work hard in silence and let his tremendous achievements make the round noise –as it is in a popular saying, “work hard in silence and let your success make noise” by Frank Ocean, a popular American writer.

Buni fulfilled vows to reshuffle downsizing irony of youth’s expectation in some sectors of government by evolving a season of smarter young politicians across the country into his phase of cabinets which sparked him a chain of lights on his tomorrow’s politics at the national level and gave him room to blossom and actualize his objectives in Yobe State – because of another popular African proverb that says: “ if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 

Buni destines to be a grassroots mobilizer, architect and astute manager of people for the past 32 years of active political service. I

In 29 May 2019, during his inauguration as the executive governor of Yobe state, Mai Mala Buni stated that “Our administration would strive to ensure prompt payment of counterpart funds to the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), to enable the State access UBEC grants to improve primary education.

We would equally build more schools classrooms, employ more teachers as well as improve teacher’s incentives and  provide additional instructional materials to meet the requirements of such communities. This approach would be replicated in the secondary education sector, we will equally make the teaching profession attractive and education more functional.

The payment of examination fees by the government to students in public schools would be sustained. Parents and guardians in the state would be free from the burden of paying school and examination fees for their wards. In order to improve and encourage pupil’s enrolment in our schools, this administration will partner with the Federal Government for the implementation of the Home Grown Feeding Program.

As at April 2020, the state government under his leadership has spent over 2.1 billion Naira in the construction of 7 model primary school in different locations in Yobe State. The projects are aimed at decongesting schools in the urban areas that are currently overstretched as result of fleeing Internally Displaced Persons.

Yobe State being among the worst hit states affected by Boko Haram insurgency, Governor Mai Mala Buni has facilitated the return of many internally displaced persons (IDPs) by reconstruction of their houses and provision of livelihood support packages.

The state in conjunction with African Development Bank under the Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement, and Livelihood Improvement Support, APPEALS, Project has distributed livelihood support packages to over 5,000 IDPs.

In September 2020, the government inaugurated the construction of houses for IDPs. The project was sponsored by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) Joint Venture (JV), Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited (SNEPCO) and Total Nigeria Plc.

In the health sector, government has constructed 53 out of 178 proposed functional Primary Health Care Centers provided with laboratories, pharmacies, Male and Female wards and housing quarters for health personnel posted to these centers for 24/7 service to the communities.

In housing development, 1,800 housing units under the first phase of the state’s mass housing programme are currently under construction in the six urban centers of the state while the construction of another set of 1,800 units under the second phase are expected to take off after the completion of the first phase.

More grease your elbow His Excellency Gov. Mai Buni  in “Sustaining the gain and securing the future” 

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Mustapha Salisu

Mustapha Salisu is a graduate of BSc. Information and Media Studies from Bayero University Kano, with experience in Communication Skills as well as Public Relations.

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