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Bala’s Reckless Hatchet Job

Image: Opinion

By Abdullahi Sani Fagge

One of the most brazen displays of self-delusion I have witnessed in recent times is Bala Ibrahim’s feeble attempt to masquerade his article as a service to the interests of Kano State and its people. Ibrahim, a journalist who has long since tarnished his professional integrity, appears to be grappling with a midlife crisis. Known for either peddling his pen to the highest bidder or writing to bolster his unquenchable thirst for social ascension, his latest piece on the politics of the Kano Emirate sets a new standard in sophistry.

No one is surprised that Ibrahim’s article is, as usual, devoid of objectivity and riddled with bias. His portrayal of Kano State’s leadership under Governor Abba Kabiru Yusuf as reckless and wasteful is not only misleading but also emblematic of his deep-seated political vendetta. His accusation that the state government’s actions constitute “executive rascality” is a gross exaggeration. The incident involving the dethroned Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, and the court’s decision to award him N10 million for the breach of his fundamental rights, does not reflect recklessness but a legal process that adheres to the rule of law. The arrest, while contentious, fell within the bounds of governance and was not an act of capriciousness as Ibrahim insinuates.

If Bala were genuinely concerned about recklessness, as his verbose, paid-for article suggests, why does he not address the judicial recklessness surrounding the crisis? This crisis prompted interventions not only from the Chief Judge of Nigeria but also from the Nigerian Bar Association, civil society organizations, and other well-meaning Nigerians. Ibrahim uses his pen to obfuscate the real issues, subtly celebrating Bayero as a victim while ignoring the legitimate grievances of the Kano State Government, which rightfully complained about Bayero’s trespassing on its property.

Moreover, Ibrahim conveniently omits the context behind the demolition of shops and the subsequent compensation agreement. The decision was part of a broader urban renewal initiative aimed at improving the state’s infrastructure and public spaces. The agreement to compensate the traders was a demonstration of the government’s commitment to addressing grievances through lawful means and fair negotiations, not an admission of guilt or recklessness.

Ibrahim’s narrative seeks to cast every governmental action in a negative light, disregarding the broader benefits and the long-term vision for Kano State. This is hardly surprising coming from an APC loyalist still smarting from his party’s electoral defeat. His portrayal of the settlement with the Masallacin Idi and traders’ association as a reckless expenditure is a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and undermine the governor’s efforts. What Ibrahim fails to acknowledge is that governance involves complex decisions that sometimes lead to disputes and their resolutions. This is not unique to Kano but a reality of political administration everywhere. His polemical critique is a transparent attempt to score political points rather than provide a fair assessment of the current administration’s performance.

In conclusion, Bala Ibrahim’s commentary is less about genuine concern for Kano State and more about settling political scores. His partisan bias is evident, and his arguments are constructed to deceive rather than inform. The people of Kano deserve a truthful discourse, not one tainted by the bitterness of a defeated party supporter. It is high time we see through the smokescreen of his pseudo-commentary and recognize it for what it truly is: a reckless hatchet job.

Fagge wrote in from Kano

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