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For IBB’s actions, Nigeria will be no more

It is crucial that I take some moment to contribute to the ongoing discussions surrounding the recently released memoirs by Former Military President Ibrahim Bdamasi Babangida.

I have found it instructive that all Nigeria extend their appreciation to the former military leader and his entire family for “A JOURNEY IN SERVICE”. The autobiography has quenched some age-long fire.

Truly IBB has been a cheerleader for the project called Nigeria. He served this country with dignity, ensuring peace and stability. His insights were incredibly helpful and have greatly improved as well as developed our country.

During his time IBB brought significant, intellectual basis, construction uncountable as multiple projects, and implemented policies that liberated private and public sectors.

The 1993 June 12 election annulment, I think, is the biggest point or talking part as it’s become a major discussion since the very day the book was launched.

Now the question of the winner of the June 12 Presidential election has been put to rest. Some believe that it is up to the government of the day to declare Moshood Abiola as the winner of the election and be listed among past presidents of Nigeria.

But as a strong supporter of IBB I personally agree that that singular decision taken by the former military head of state saved Nigeria from collapse. Perhaps General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida prepared peace and safety of lives and property, as well as development of Nigeria and Africa rather than ego-massaging.

Safiyanu Yusuf Godiya wrote in from Gwale, Kano.

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