Poor Drainages at Kano Zoo Risk Spread of Infectious Diseases During Rainy Season
By Zulaiha Danjuma
This story X-rays the risk to spreading of infectious diseases due to lack of budget implications as well as poor hygiene management of Animal enclosures at the Kano state zoological Garden
Kano state, like many other states in Nigeria, struggles with floods during the rainy season, typically due to poor drainage systems and inadequate refuse disposal.
In the 2024 Kano state budget, the Wildlife Management Agency allocated three million Naira for the repair of drainages at the zoo. This is a reduction from the four million Naira approved for the same purpose in 2023. Despite these allocations, the condition of drainages at the zoo remains largely unchanged.
In fact, budget performances for this project recorded zero releases in both 2022 and 2023 (from January to August), indicating no funds were disbursed for the repairs.
During a recent visit to the Kano state zoo, the reporter observed large accumulations of pure water sachets, takeaway packs, and various soft drink bottles in the drains throughout the zoo.
A good drainage system promotes good health by preventing the accumulation of refuse and standing water, which creates flooding, habitats for microscopic bacteria, viruses and fungus breeding organisms that cause various illnesses and diseases.

Floods are typical in Kano state during the rainy seasons, like other states in Nigeria. This occurrence is usually due to poor drainages and poor refuse disposal
It should be recalled that The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) had earlier alerted residents of Kano about possible flooding around the state
However, Zoo Road which is within the Kano Metropolis and Tarauni axis, which is where Kano Zoo is located was not mentioned to be among the high-risk flood areas
But NiMET Technical Director, Nurudeen Abdullahi stressed the need for all stakeholders to be aware of their individual and collective responsibility during the coming 2024 raining season in Kano state.
He said this was important to prevent any unforeseen occurrences due to the high level of climate change largely influenced by human activities
He also added that managing environmental disasters are highly expensive and any human activity that may trigger it should be greatly avoided.
Poor drains and Feces disposal inside Animal Housing at the Zoo

Zoos or Zoological gardens are important sites of conservation for various species as well as a site for research, education and entertainment.
Kano zoo is especially one of those renowned sites of public visitation for many residents but within and outside the metropolis
Kano zoo records huge numbers of visitors during Eid, Christmas and few other major holiday seasons
However, the reporter observed that the drainage systems within the cages, and housing areas of animals are either poorly constructed, without much attention for workability & maintenance, while others are blocked with trash
On approaching the Lion and Lioness cages a strong stench of decayed meat envelopes the nose. The inside enclosure housing den where they lions are kept overnight was dusty

Debris of dried food (bones) were laying down inside the den. The small molded tub where the Lions drinking water is kept has no draining mechanism to flush out old and dirty water to refill with a clean one
The water in the tub looked dirty and unchanged for a long time. The color of the water was greenish with visible spirogyra bacteria settling in the water
Behind the lion housing, the reporter found a pipe which seemed to be connected to the inside den of the lion enclosure, but the pipe seemed to only have an outlet which was blocked with all kinds of trash
There were also some drainage pipes attached to the Lions enclosure but the passageway for what seemed to be a canal; for in case the inside den is being washed was narrowly constructed with little to no way for water to pass through, especially with the outer pipe behind the lion’s den been blocked

According to the a guideline on Keeping of Wild Animal published by the Scottish Government it states that lion drainages at the outdoor enclosure must be capable of rapidly removing all excess water and any fecal material must be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner
Animals can sometimes carry harmful germs that can spread to people causing illness. This illness is called Zoonotic disease.
Zoonotic Disease are infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. According to the WHO there are over 200 types of zoonoses. The Zoonoses comprise a large percentage of all newly identified infectious diseases as well as many existing ones. Some diseases, such as HIV, begin as a zoonosis but later mutate into human-only strains.
Other zoonoses can cause recurring disease outbreaks, such as Ebola virus disease and salmonellosis. Still others, such as the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, have the potential to cause global pandemics.
Some of these diseases spread by the animals are carried in their feces.

A large spread of cow feces (cow dung) was hipped and scattered around a semi open metal fence. Some of the feces seemed to have been there for very long time as they were dried up, while others were fresh and smelling
Cow feces even for the use of manure is known to contain many pathogenic bacteria and parasites that can be infectious.

According to a study in the International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health, Cow feces harbors microbial constituents that make it a potential source of pollution in the environment and infections to humans
It becomes even more risky when rains wash off all those cow feces into drains. A long open drain is located directly by the edge of the metal cow housing. The drain unlike the others observed was not blocked with trash
The drain at the cow housing was linked to the main zoo drainage Over the years in 2010, 2015, 2016, and 2020 when heavy rains pour zoo road is usually one of the major areas that gets affected by flooding. The possibility of having animal feces washed up into the main canal drain and overflowing onto the main road at zoo road could risk the spread of various infections on humans.
Zoonotic disease Expert React
The Director Surveillance and Epidemiology at the Kano state Center for Disease and Control Dr. Aminu Usman Sudawa said hipping of Animal feces in open spaces is usually the common source of infection

“During rainy season the rains wash down the animal feces like cow feces into shallow and open wells”
“This may lead to people drinking contamination of water which lead a lot of people to come down various intestinal infections” he said.
Dr. Aminu disclosed that a large number of both infections, bacteria and viruses are contained in animal feces particularly in cow execrater
“This viruses, bacteria and infections found in cow feces can contaminate food, especially vegetables and when this happens people can come down with intestinal infections but some of the viruses can affect respiratory tract functions in humans”
“The viruses in cow feces which affect the human intestinal functions can cause severe diarrhea”
“The infection may be parasite or bacterial and when the human body comes in contact this possibly through swallowing or drinking water that is contaminated with this cow feces people can come down with a number of varying infections” he added.
Dr. Aminu emphasized that when particles of the cow feces is washed away into drainages by the rains ad the possibilities of this contaminated water flowing into water bodies meant for drinking increases the risk of infection among a community
“Because the cow feces on open spaces is being washed away by rain into drains, and some of this drains tend to flow into some water bodies meant for human consumption this becomes the main reasons why we get faced with high levels of cholera during rainy seasons” he said
Kano Zoo
The Issues of poor drains and proper hygiene management of animals and their enclosures at Kano zoo has been a reoccurring issue over the years

Several dailies like Daily Trust have all written on the worsening conditions of the animals and the environment at the zoo.
The problem has been both a past and present issue for the zoo’s management. The Former Managing Director Kano zoo, Alhaji Lawan Jinjiri Kurmawa in a special report once blamed the condition at the zoo to lack of specialized staff and poor financing from government
Mr. Lawan in the report had said “The challenge we are facing is the shortage of manpower. It takes the zoo backward because there are some areas where we need working experience but some of the staff are just laborers,”
“Secondly, in the last three to four years, the government has given us a small amount of funds to run Kano Zoo,” he had said.
The Kano state Zoological garden was established in 1971, by the former military leader, Audu Bako. The zoo is about 53 years old and seats 46 hectares
The zoo at Kano is renowned to be the only recognised zoo in Nigeria after its approval by the Pan-African Association of Zoos which is a subsidiary of the World Association of Zoos

It is worthy of mention; that the New Managing Director of the Kano zoo, Honorable Sadiq Kura Muhammad was unable to be contacted for comment by the reporter who visited the zoo. However, the reporter will follow up to get his voice regarding the deteriorating state of the zoo.
Reasons for non Implications of Budget items
According to the Director of Budget at the Ministry of Budget and Planning Mr. Yakubu Sabi’u Garandanga said reasons for non Implications of budget items is due to the Ministries and Agencies (MDAs) inability to plan appropriately

“The ministry of Budget and Planning offers guidance to MDAs if you need guidance”
“When we conduct medium term expenditure framework, we allocate resources to each sector an envelope setting, we send that envelope setting to all MDAs, and then we are expected to submit their proposals based on that ceiling provided to them”
“What they need is just to discuss with their respective team and come up with a plan based on their mandate to outline their projects and programs in relation to their respective organizations” he said
Mr. Yakubu on how many agencies do not seek assistance from the Ministry of Budget and Planning when faced with budget difficulties which are the main reasons for the various gaps within their agencies in terms of budgeting and releases.
“Many agencies have a lot of gaps in terms of setting their priorities straight to enable them access funds allocated to carry out projects”
“Many of them take budget as something very shallow, not recognizing that the budget encapsulates and encompasses everything”
“If an agencies budget is constructed and properly articulated everything about that agencies will go smoothly, because it’s just about following up with writing memos or briefs to his Excellency the Governor”
“The memo’s or briefs will detail requesting releases for various items outlined on their budget, stating that this is for the facilitation of this or that project, definitely after which approval will be granted to them” he added
Mr. Yakubu went on to say that MDAs can not expect to receive funds on budget items that are not properly planned for or articulated for properly on their memos and briefs
“Sometimes agencies request funds for project D, without having a plan for that project”
The reporter asked Mr. Yakubu on why even without performance records on certain items from past budgets the same item tend to receive a higher budget allocation on the present budget
“That is the main issue with the incremental budget, funds haven’t been assessed form the previous budget and then they go on to increase the budget”
“All MDAs are expected to do is simply address their needs base on their mandate” he said
Mr. Yakubu however said there is need to bridge the gap experienced with inability of MDAs to plan their budget properly which further hinders their abilities to access funds to execute projects lined out on the budget
“one way to bridge this gab will have to be through continuous capacity building trainings of personnels and staff at MDAs level”
“also it is important for all MDAs to call on relevant stakeholders when they are preparing their budget, the budget should not be prepared by one or a few; all departments within the Kano zoo should be a party to the preparation of the budget of the year for the zoo”
“All departments there should come up with what they need and their plan of action for that year”
“The zoo has a lot of issues, what the responsible authorities in the zoo need to do is if a budget circular comes they are supposed to discuss and outline what they need and set an allocation”
“They will be required to come and defend their budget, at the budget defense their priority should be properly articulated, if in a case where at the budget defense they are told that for instance, they have exhausted their budget more than the envelope they were initially given, they can give justification for their demands and it will be granted or they might be instructed at the budget defense to cut cost on another project which may not be as timely” he narrated
The Kano state zoo over the years have been flagged as having various problems with how animals are been taken care of, and how the general environment at the zoological garden is
Rabi Danlami a mother of 3 who visited the zoo during the last sallah celebration said she was not very happy with conditions at the zoo but she had to take her kids as it was on of the most popular and available reactions center in the state
“No I was not too happy with the state of the zoo, the place was not very well kept, Animals are scanty now not like years back”
“I take my children to the zoo because it’s the place everyone goes to on sallah, and my kids always want to see animals, and the zoo is a popular place to take children on sallah” she said
A zoo is a site that houses various animals who excrete waste that may carry certain parasitic organisms that may cause harmful viral infection and illnesses to human beings. Which is why proper waste drainage systems are important at the zoo
All government agencies responsible to properly execute and carry out budgetary mandates are expected to execute such duty with full commitment and consciousness as anything less may become damaging to many.
This report is a product of ‘Prevent Epidemics Journalism Masterclass on Budget Accountability’ supported by the Nigeria Health Watch (NHW)