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July 5, 2024

Stakeholders Urge For Inclusive Approach, Emphasizes Girl Child Education In Yobe

From Auwal Salim, Yobe

Preparatory to the commencement of the next academic term in Yobe State, the Ag. Education Secretary of Nguru Education Authority, Mallam Hamisu Ado summons all relevant stakeholders particularly the principals GDJSS as well as their counterparts the Head Teachers for a crucial meeting on how best to consolidate the gains made so far on the school children’s learning output achieved during the last academic term.

During the meeting, the Ag.ES enlightens the congregation on the rationale behind the idea of Inclusive and Girl Child Education.

Ado said,  “Inclusive Education is the type of arrangement that an education system includes all students, and welcomes and supports them to learn, whoever they are and whatever their abilities or requirements”.

“This means making sure that teaching and curriculum, school buildings, classrooms, play areas, transport and toilets are appropriate for all children at all levels”.

While on the Girl Child Education, he said, “One of the most significant tools to empower girls within their family and community is education”.

“Education is recognized as a fundamental human right but Gender inequality in education however in Nigeria remains a huge concern.

Therefore, he called on well-to-do individuals in the society to join hands with the Yobe State Government in terms of providing qualitative education to vulnerable and out-of-school children.

All hands must be on deck to ensure quality education is provided at all levels, emphasizing that education is the responsibility of all.

On their part, Chairman Principals and Head Teachers Forums, Mallam Waziri Abba and Mallam Garba Badamasi appreciated every member who attended the meeting.

They also pray that such interactive meetings should be sustain.

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Mustapha Salisu

Mustapha Salisu is a graduate of BSc. Information and Media Studies from Bayero University Kano, with experience in Communication Skills as well as Public Relations.

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