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July 7, 2024

Gidan Yanci urges political critics to embrace constructive dialogue

Gidan Yanci, a non-governmental organization, has urged political critics to embrace constructive dialogue.

They revealed this at a one-day stakeholders’ dialogue on promoting responsible political discourse, on Sunday at Premier radio.

Mal Adamu Salisu, Chairman of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Kano while speaking at the event raised concerns over the state of political discourse in Kano’s media landscape.

He revealed that political programs are conducted even post-elections.

Mal. Salisu lamented that instead of fostering dialogue on good governance and state progress, political programs in Kano have become platforms for criticism.

He noted, “It is only in Kano that after elections, instead of channeling discussions towards promoting good governance, media programs invite political critics to bash politicians.”

According to him, the focus should be on highlighting what is working in the state and identifying areas needing improvement to support the new government.

Criticizing the commercialization of these programs, mal. Salisu accused producers of turning them into money-making ventures.

“The program has become a medium for money politics,” he stated, pointing out that both the stations and political critics benefit financially.

He argued that this practice undermines the integrity of political discourse, as it caters to those who pay to dictate the narrative.

Mal. Salisu also warned political critics about the consequences of their actions.

“Critics should understand their power and obligation,” he said, emphasizing that irresponsible speech could damage their reputation and potentially lead to legal repercussions.

He encouraged critics to maintain their dignity and avoid being used as tools by politicians.

He called on media organizations to uphold professionalism by training and retraining their staff, avoiding unethical practices like accepting brown envelopes, and increasing staff salaries to discourage corruption.

Sadiq Mustapha, Program Lead at Gidan Yanci, while speaking advocated for constructive dialogue.

“Political critics should embrace evidence-based criticism,” he said

He urged them to focus on politicians’ manifestos and track their promises.

He stressed that criticism should be seen as an opportunity for improvement rather than personal attacks.

Mustapha Salisu from Freedom of Expression urged political critics to commit to constructive dialogue and hold themselves accountable.

He highlighted that criticism should aim to push Kano state forward by reminding politicians of their commitments and suggesting practical solutions.

A political critic from Abba Zama Daram Daram acknowledged that financial incentives often drive critics’ actions.

He also blamed producers for fueling conflicts by sharing clips with opposing parties to provoke reactions.

He urged critics to act with integrity and fear of God in their hearts.

The dialogue included political critics from various parties, stakeholders among other participants.

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