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March 10, 2025

Why the women’ obsession with faking natural looks?

By Adamu Aminu

Gone were the days when contentment and morality held sway, guiding the people’s principles and way of life.

In bygone days, a woman’s natural beauty, shyness and family reputation, among others, were considered basic ingredients in the eyes of male suitors that got them attracted to a courtship that potentially led to a marital union.

The days when, even though regarded as an uncivilized era, women were known for maintaining their free-bleaching skin and facial and bodily status with cultural cosmetics that made them look glowing and brought out the beauty in them

It’s noteworthy that, in those days, girls were also content with their natural looks. Some were tall, medium, or short in height. While others have dark skin, medium skin, or a light complexion.

Some were even born exceptionally beautiful, with good looks and facially pleasing features such as almond-eyed, egg-shaped faces, a nasal bridge, a tip-tilted nose, thin lips, long flowing hair, and a set of sparkling, white teeth blended with smiles, among others.

While others, by the dictate of Providence, were born and unknowingly blessed with attractive bodily stature blended with womanly shyness, which typifies them as ready-made material for marital sojourn.

But now it has become a glaring reality that shyness and moral rectitude were not written in the moral booklet of some of the civilized women who claimed to be content with their divinely created structures.

In context, this piece was in line with the recent confession spits by Kannywood actress Aisha Humaira, who claimed that padding tits and fake butts lifting have become trending among ladies.

The confession that has gone viral stirred the hornet’s nest and sparked paranoia among her contemporaries and equally among other women who attached fake accessories to forcefully deceive the eyes of onlookers into thinking they were beautiful when they were not.

It’s truthfully known that the extent of faking beauty has gone beyond the boundaries of skin bleaching, hair bleaching, and eyelash attachment.

It has reached the level of mental obsession that these ladies are forcefully becoming callypigian [with a voluptuous backside] and having humongous cleavages. Which is outright self-deception.

In light of this, my questions are: Why are these women not content with their natural looks?

Was it to attract marital suitors or draw the attention of randy predators?

What if, at the end, you are discovered to not be what you ought to be?

Do not fake it. Be the real you.

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Mustapha Salisu

Mustapha Salisu is a graduate of BSc. Information and Media Studies from Bayero University Kano, with experience in Communication Skills as well as Public Relations.

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