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July 8, 2024

Yobe Education Commissioner reiterates commitments to efficient education service delivery

From Tijjani Mujaheed, Yobe

Dr Muhammad Sani Idriss, the Yobe State Commissioner, Basic and Secondary Education has disclosed that his ministry decided to introduce policies and programmes in the education sector to further boost students’ enrolment, retention as well as completion particularly to the girl child paramount across the state.

He remarked on Wednesday when he paid an advocacy and sensitization visit to the palaces of the Emir of Fika and Chairman Yobe State Council of Chiefs, Dr Muhammad Abali Ibn Mohammed Idrisa and his counterpart Mai Pataskum Alh Umaru Bubaram Ibn Wiriwa Bawuya.

During the visits, he said, “My Ministry is working tirelessly towards actualizing the efforts of Governor Mai Mala Buni’s administration toward reviving the standard and quality of education in all the nooks and crannies of the state.”

Dr. Sani further said, “The purpose of this visit was to clear the air on the rumour of  reboarding some secondary schools in the state.”

“The current administration under the leadership of  Mai Mala Buni remain enthusiastic  to revitalising the education sector at all times”

Responding, both the two emirs stated they welcomed all Government Policies that have a direct bearing on teaming masses’ lives, especially the policies that are geared at freeing their wards from the bondage of ignorance and poverty which is a policy on education.

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Mustapha Salisu

Mustapha Salisu is a graduate of BSc. Information and Media Studies from Bayero University Kano, with experience in Communication Skills as well as Public Relations.

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