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March 10, 2025

60 African journalists undergo training on child health, immunization and nutrition

60 journalists from 30 African countries from West, central,north Africa,Burundi and Madagascar are undergoing training on child health immunization and nutrition,in Lome-Togo.

Declaring the forum open,Togo minister of communication Mrs Yawa Kouigan, charged the media to provide reliable information to protect the health of children.

She described journalists as partners in changing behaviors, improving child health, and raising awareness about the importance of nutrition and immunization.

Mrs Kouigan, urged the media to bring an end to fake news and conspiracy theories, which have contributed significantly to the low turn out for immunization.

In his welcome remarks,the executive president of African media network for the promotion of health and environment (REMAPSEN), Mr. Youssouf Bamba pointed out that,the objective of the forum is to improve media coverage around prevention and cure of childhood killer illnesses, immunization and nutrition.

He noted that,the first African media forum on child health, immunization and nutrition would strengthen communication, around issues related to health and the environment, through quality media papers.

Mr.Bamba commended Togolese government and UNICEF west and central Africa regional office
(WCAR),for their support and urged participants to make judicious use of the knowledge gained.

The regional director, west and central Africa WCAR UNICEF Felicite Tchibindat, represented by Dr. Aissata Ba Sidibe explained that,by 2022 6.3 million children in the region, had not received complete doses of routine immunization.

She stressed that,1 child dies in every 17 seconds in west Africa, often from preventable or treatable diseases such as malaria, diarrhea or acute respiratory infections.

The first African media forum on child health, immunization and nutrition was organized by REMAPSEN.

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